19 July, 2009

Connect to PC internet through wifi using N82

Here is a simple procedure for connecting your Nokia N82 (or other nokia handset with wifi) to internet using PC wifi.

I shared Tata Indicom Broadband Connection (through cable) on my PC to my Nokia N82 handset using wifi.

The procedure is simple and will just take a few minutes.

The procedure is for Vista and with appropriate modifications, it can be used with Windows XP as well.


1. Right click your Network icon in the system tray - Network and Sharing Center;

2. Go to your internet connection icon (in this case Tata) - View status - Properties - Sharing - select Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection and clear the Allow other users to control.... option;

3. Now go to Network and Sharing Center - Setup a connection or network - Setup a wireless adhoc (computer to computer) network ;

4. You can give your adhoc network a suitable name and select the appropriate security settings in the next steps (for trial purpose I would suggest to do without the WEP / WPA security);

5. Just turn on the wifi on your Nokia N82 handset, connect to the adhoc network and start browsing from your handset...

01 July, 2009

[Info] Organ timings

Some useful information relating to organ timings - click here